TRAINING WEBINAR “NEWS IN THE PLANT NURSERY INDUSTRY: focus on Popillia Japonica and support tools for the Export”
- 3 August 2023

The complexities within the plant nursery industry are always increasing. Constant updating is essential to prepare ourselves and face new phytosanitary emergencies in timely and effective ways.
The “NEWS IN THE PLANT NURSERY INDUSTRY: focus on Popillia Japonica and support tools for the Export” training Webinar is addressed to professional operators and it is organised by ANVE in collaboration with ITA-Agency for the promotion abroad and the internazionalization of Italian companies, the Phytosanitary services of Regioni Piemonte and Lombardia and AIPP – Italian Association for the Protection of Plants.
Two hours to provide insights and information about plant protection, between normative evolution and management of today’s challenges such as, for example, the increasing spread of harmful organisms.
The webinar provides a specific focus on how to address the threats related to the Japanese beetle (Popillia Japonica), one of the most damaging harmful organisms for crops and increasingly present on the Italian territory, ending with an in-depth overview on the Phytoweb web portal and how this tool manages to provide concrete support to Italian nurserymen, ensuring an effective and completely safe export of plants.
Thursday, July 13th is the date to mark on the agenda to join the Webinar.
Registrations are open until Tuesday, July 11th. Click the following link or write to to join the meeting.

TRAINING WEBINAR “NEWS IN THE PLANT NURSERY INDUSTRY: focus on Popillia Japonica and support tools for the Export”
TRAINING WEBINAR “NEWS IN THE PLANT NURSERY INDUSTRY: focus on Popillia Japonica and support tools for the Export” The complexities within the plant nursery industry

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