Conference Presentation New Portal
- February 14, 2023

MyPlant & Garden, International Green Expo (Fiera Milano-Rho, 22-24 february 2023) will be the stage for the presentation of the new portal, an ambitious project developed by ANVE – National Association of Nurserymen Exporters and ITA – Italian Trade Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, with the purpose of providing operators in the plant nursery industry with an information tool on compliance with the handling of plants on an international level.
The seminar will take place on February 22nd from 16.30 to 18.00 at the Conference Hall Pav.20 and will include a first session of introductory greetings by Luigi Pagliani (President ANVE), Roberto Luongo (General Director ITA Agency – video message), Sabrina Diamanti (President Conaf), Mario Braga (President CNPAPAL), followed by a technical session with the project manager Edoardo Sciutti, who will explain the functionalities of the new portal, ending with the Q&A.
PHYTOWEB.IT is a portal addressed to companies that have been working with foreign countries for a long time, as well as for the ones that want to approach new markets, offering them the chance to check the phytosanitary regulations of each destination and origin, in a quick and easy way.
The website has undergone a total restyling of its graphic and content, which have been expanded to accommodate all the compliances both for the internal handling, within the EU, but also for the import and export to and from third countries (protected areas, regulations for the introduction and movement of plants, specific requirements for pests).
Revisited also in terms of usability and accessibility, the system is easy and immediate and, through a search engine, it allows the specialized audience of companies and operators in this sector to learn information on the following topics:
– Botanical names
– Material
– Origin
– Destination
– Category of harmful organisms
– Harmful organisms
Moreover, the portal provides a specific brand new function for the development of the “Risk analysis” related to harmful organisms, an high value-added tool for those companies that want to differentiate themselves through a guarantee of quality and safety. Finally, through this tool the operators of the sector will be able to generate the ordinary “Plant passport” and the one for Protected Areas.
This unique project was born from an intuition of the ANVE Trade Association and addresses the need of Italian plant nursery companies involved in foreign markets, to have updated information which are easily available in a sector dominated by complex and constantly updating legislation.
All you have to do is mark February 22nd on the agenda, to discover a preview of all the news and opportunities that the new portal can offer.

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