Normative updates
All new requirements and updates concerning the phytosanitary measures to take in order to introduce certain plants in third countries.
Measures to prevent the introduction and spread of the Rose Rosette virus within the EU
It is hereby announced that the European Commission has published the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/1265 of the 20th July 2022 establishing measures to prevent the introduction and the spread of the Rose Rosette virus within the EU. This virus and its carrier Phyllocoptes fructiphilus are not yet in EU’s territory and are not listed as quarantine pests or as non-quarantine pests.
However, because of the dangerousness of the pathogen, the Regulation identifies the requirements for the import of Rosa spp. from third countries where the pathogen is present (Canada, India and the United States).
However, because of the dangerousness of the pathogen, the Regulation identifies the requirements for the import of Rosa spp. from third countries where the pathogen is present (Canada, India and the United States).