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EFSA has updated the Xylella spp. host plant database.
This scientific report provides an update of the Xylella spp. host plant database created by EFSA by mandate of the European Commission. This report covers literature published from 1 January 2022 up to 30 June 2022, and recent Europhyt outbreak notifications.
Fifteen new host plants were identified and added to the database. Those plant species were reported from Brazil, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, and infected by subsp. multiplex, pauca or unknown (i.e. not reported). No additional data were retrieved for X. taiwanensis. Two new STs (namely ST88 and ST89) belonging to subspecies multiplex were identified in host plants in natural conditions, and new information on the tolerant/resistant response of plant species to X. fastidiosa infection were added to the database.
The overall number of Xylella spp. host plants determined with at least two different detection methods or positive with one method (between sequencing and pure culture isolation) reaches now 423 plant species, 194 genera and 68 families. Such numbers rise to 679 plant species, 304 genera and 88 families if considered regardless of the detection methods applied.