drawn up on 21.02.2023
ANVE – National Association of Nurserymen Exporters commits to make its website www.phytoweb.it accessible, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 106 of 10th August 2018, which transposed the EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The present declaration of accessibility applies to “Phytoweb”.
Contents in compliance with EU Implementing Decision 2018/1523.
compliance status
This website partially complies with the requirements of the former A DM 5 July 2005 (WCAG 2.0) due to the cases of non-compliance and/or derogation listed below.
not accessible contents
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:
non-compliance with Law 4/2004
Currently, only partial differences in terms of alternative texts, color contrast and label formatting are found in some cases of minimal consistency compared to the total.
disproportionate burden
These minor differences were due to a burden necessary for the disproportionate adjustement pursuant to art. 3 b, paragraph 2 of Law 4/2004.
drawing up of the accessibility statement
The declaration was drawn up on 27.05.2021.
The declaration was made using an assessment in accordance with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/2012 by self-assessment carried out directly by the paying agent.
The statement was updated on 21.09.2022 following a revision of the website.
feedback and contact details
Requests are currently addressed to the Public Relations Office of ITA Agency, which users can contact.
Feedback mechanism: https://www.phytoweb.it/contact
Email of the person responsible for accessibility (RTD): segreteria@anve.it
Informations required by AGID
Information about the site
Date of publication of the webiste or mobile applicatiobn: 21/02/2023
Have usability tests been carried out? Yes
Content Management System (CMS) used: WordPress
Via Birmania 81, 00144 Roma - ITALY